PV Serial Display Campaign Item Set

Idea Factory International Inc.
Average rating 4.75 stars out of 5 stars from 186 ratings
Blood, Drug Reference, Fantasy Violence, Language, Partial Nudity
    Blood, Drug Reference, Fantasy Violence, Language, Partial Nudity


    Global player ratings

    Average rating 4.75 stars out of 5 stars from 186 ratings
    186 ratings

    The following items will be added:
    ・Energy Pill DX x 5 ・Energy Pill EX x 3
    ・Energy Pack EX x 5 ・Energy Pack Max x 3
    ・Deepas Medicine EX x 5 ・Deepas Medicine Max x 3
    ・Deepas Pack EX x 5 ・Deepas Pack Max x 3
    ・Remedine EX x 5 ・Remedine Max x 3
    ・Remedine Pack EX x 5 ・Remedine Pack Max x 3
    ・Portable Camoflauge Device x 5 ・Portable Analysis Device x 3
    ・Hard Upper x 5 ・Act Upper x 5
    ・Power Upper x 5 ・Aim Upper x 5
    ・Stamina Upper x 5 ・Memory Upper x 5
    ・Speed Upper x 5 ・Technical Upper x 5

    ・Superdimension Save Data
    ※A new lineup will be added within the Development Room's [Tailoring].

    Remote Play requires PS Vita system and sufficiently robust Wi-Fi connection.

    1 player
    8GB minimum save size
    Remote Play

    Software subject to license (us.playstation.com/softwarelicense). Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy (playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service & playstationnetwork.com/privacy-policy).

    ©KOSUKE FUJISHIMA ©2017 IDEA FACTORY / COMPILE HEART All rights reserved. Dark Rose Valkyrie is a trademark of IDEA FACTORY. Licensed to and published by Idea Factory International, Inc.

    Idea Factory International Inc.