Fortnite - Storm-Wild Raven Starter Pack
Epic Games
Average rating 3.83 stars out of 5 stars from 48 ratings- PS5 game streaming supported only with Premium subscription
- PS5 game streaming supported only with Premium subscription
Raven has been traversing the island looking for more creatures. Take a moment of repose in a Raven themed room with the Storm-Wild Raven Starter Pack. Includes:
- Storm-Wild Raven Outfit (with LEGO® Style)
- Raven's Repose Decor Bundle (including 7 Decor Items)
Decor Items are available in your LEGO® Fortnite Build Menu after purchase, and require resources to be built in Survival worlds. Decor Items can be placed after you have met the Survival world progression requirements.
Note: Back Blings, Pickaxes, Gliders and Wraps are not available in LEGO Fortnite.
- Platform:
- PS5
- Release:
- 13/12/2024
- Publisher:
- Epic Games
- Genres:
- Action, Adventure
- Voice:
- Arabic, English, French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Turkish
- Screen Languages:
- Arabic, English, French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Turkish
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You can download and play this content on the main PS5 console associated with your account (through the “Console Sharing and Offline Play” setting) and on any other PS5 consoles when you login with your same account.
Software subject to license (
You can download and play this content on the main PS5 console associated with your account (through the “Console Sharing and Offline Play” setting) and on any other PS5 consoles when you login with your same account.
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