Surviving Mars: Martian Express

Paradox Interactive
Average rating 3.86 stars out of 5 stars from 7 ratings
  • 1 player
Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language
  • 1 player


Global player ratings

Average rating 3.86 stars out of 5 stars from 7 ratings
7 ratings

Trains are here! With the Martian Express pack by modders Lucian and Sylvain, you’ll finally be able to move your colonists and resources between stations facilitating access to far away domes and remote resource deposits. Other outside manned buildings will also be buildable near stations without needing a dome.

Key features

Welcome commuters! - Build your stations anywhere on the map and help your colonists get to work and back. Click on the info panel to see their reason for traveling and make sure that everyone gets their seat. otherwise, they’ll have to wait for the next train (and be frustrated, nobody likes to miss the train).

New tracks - Click and drag to create tracks that connect your stations. Tracks will be elevated allowing your rovers and drones to pass underneath together with power cables, while pipes can cross over them.

Same train, different cargo - Traveling on the red planet has never been safer (and efficient!). Trains will have 2 wagons to transport colonists and resources at the same time. Don't worry: they'll travel on the same track with no risk of collision. Build your trains in the stations, assign them to the connected tracks and watch them go.

Paradox Interactive
Simulation, Strategy
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