Surviving Mars - Project Laika

Paradox Interactive
Average rating 4.15 stars out of 5 stars from 34 ratings
Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language
Digital Purchases
  • 1 player
Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language
Digital Purchases


Global player ratings

Average rating 4.15 stars out of 5 stars from 34 ratings
34 ratings

Animal Farm
Breed up to eight different farm animals in the Martian pastures including cows, chickens, pigs, and more. Farm animals can be raised for food in the new in-Dome Ranches or Outdoor Ranches, depending on their size, and consume more water than crops.

Martian’s Best Friend
Project Laika features 25 different pets, ranging from your usual suspects like cats, dogs, and rabbits to some unexpected critters like llamas, penguins, platypuses. Once you terraform the planet enough, pets will go outside to explore nearby bushes and trees.

Paradox Interactive
Simulation, Strategy, Strategy
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