Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord
- Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord
Streaming currently supported: Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord
Streaming currently not supported: Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord Digital Soundtrack, Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord Digital Artbook
PS5 game streaming supported only with PlayStation Plus Premium subscription
Purchase the Deluxe Bundle today and get the DIGITAL EXCLUSIVE short novel included in the 37-page digital artbook + the official soundtrack with more than 100 tracks!
The Deluxe Bundle includes:
- 37 Page Digital Artbook (includes digital exclusive short novel)
- 127 Track Original Soundtrack
*Side A (32 Tracks)
*Side B (23 Tracks)
*Side C (72 Tracks)