Carry Onward is a short emotional narrative-driven game that follows Thomas, a grieving man, as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery while packing up his home. Experience his quest to find healing and hope as he prepares to leave behind the house he once shared with his beloved wife.
Engage with seemingly ordinary objects, each holding special significance to Thomas and his past, and explore the inner thoughts and emotions of a man seeking solace and purpose. Witness how even the smallest moments can have a profound impact on our lives and shape who we are.
-Embark on a short journey: a game designed to be completed in an evening made by solo developer.
-Shape the ending: your choices will shape Thomas' emotional journey, leading to one of five possible outcomes.
-Explore man's inner world: uncover the depths of Thomas' thoughts and emotions as you accompany him on his journey of self-discovery.
- Platform:
- PS4
- Release:
- 2/2/2024
- Publisher:
- Nejcraft
- Genres:
- Unique
- Voice:
- English
- Screen Languages:
- English
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