BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre (English/Chinese/Korean/Japanese Ver.)

Average rating 3.96 stars out of 5 stars from 166 ratings
  • 1 player
  • PS4 Version
    DUALSHOCK 4 vibration
Drugs, Sex, Strong Language, Strong Violence
  • 1 player
  • PS4 Version
    DUALSHOCK 4 vibration


Global player ratings

Average rating 3.96 stars out of 5 stars from 166 ratings
166 ratings

BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is a shooter with strong RPG elements - not that rocket propelled gun, though. You play as Lou, Satan's son, who has to find milk and rescue the hottest Mistress from the clutches of a fat clown.

Your goal is to play through four chapters representing different areas of Hell, such as the hellish Big Wac fast food café, Skeleton Slums and the Red Light District. Find the boss of each chapter and challenge him in a unique and challenging multistage fight.

Choose between six weapons and one magical ability that will help you on your way through hell. Drink milk to increase your blood milk level and unlock positive and negative side effects.


• Ever wondered what it's like to be Satan's son? Nothing special... Unleashed lust, chronic alcoholism and reckless shooting - the usual routine.
• Save Hell, which has been possessed by the most vile dark hideous evil the world has known - people!
• What's in it for you? Spectacular locations, battles with epic bosses and a nice mixture of pain and nonsense.
• Choose the right side of evil and rescue your "princess" - the most badass dare-deviless Hell has ever seen.

Role Playing Games, Shooter, Unique
To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See for more details.

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