Dead by Daylight: Demise of the Faithful Chapter PS4™ & PS5™ (English/Chinese/Korean/Japanese Ver.)

Starbreeze Publishing AB
Average rating 3.58 stars out of 5 stars from 12 ratings
  • PS Plus required for online play
  • Online play required
  • Supports up to 5 online players with PS Plus


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Average rating 3.58 stars out of 5 stars from 12 ratings
12 ratings

This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game.

The DEMISE OF THE FAITHFUL is a Chapter for Dead by Daylight. It includes a new Killer, a Survivor, a Map, and an exclusive item for the new Survivor.

Surrender yourself to the vast inexplicable: that is the oath of the faithful. In darkness, they look inward for a beacon of light. But when their light is distorted by pride and ambition, how long will they err in the dark?

The Plague found solace in sacred rituals, a way to repel the darkness she carried inside. As a High Priestess of Babylon, she believed she was invulnerable. When a sickness began to defile her body, she confronted her gods, realizing too late they were not the ones answering her prayers.

Jane Romero was striving to become a TV host, an inspiring voice for those in need. Every day she would share her beliefs and practices with thousands of followers. One evening, driving home after a particularly stressful live show, she closed her eyes for a moment… and never made it home.

If you already own the PS4™ version of this game, you can get the PS5™ digital version at no extra cost and you do not need to purchase this product. Owners of a PS4™ disc copy must insert it into the PS5™ every time they want to download or play the PS5™ digital version. PS4™ game disc owners who buy the PS5™ Digital Edition disc-free console will not be able to get the PS5™ version at no extra cost.

Starbreeze Publishing AB
Horror, Horror, Action
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