Dead Dungeon is a hardcore 2D platformer in the best traditions of classic games, with an excellent chiptune soundtrack. The game will check your nerves for strength and bring a lot of emotions.
You had a carefree life until the villain has deprived you of sweets and taken away souls from every living thing. Now you have to go to a hard journey to bring back all the souls and sweets from the mysterious dungeon.
-Challenging gameplay
Gradually increasing complexity and learn to play without annoying tutorials, only with the help of game design - as in the good old days.
-Simple and beautiful graphics
A simple graphic style, pleasing to the eye and perfect for fans of square sprites.
-Great soundtrack
The Original Chiptune soundtrack, created specifically for this game by the author HateBit famous for the game Dungeon Escape and others.
-Riddles and Easter eggs
Riddles and Easter eggs will make the game even more interesting and mysterious.
-Old-School feeling
- Платформа:
- PS4
- Випуск:
- 5.11.2020
- Жанри:
- Унікальні
- Мови відображення:
- Українська, англійська, німецька, польська, російська, французька (Франція), іспанська
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