Katana Kata
"Kata - a way or form to memorize and improve combat moves"
Katana Kata - is a souls-like game, where not only your timing matters, but also directions of strikes.
You will fight your way through a bunch of enemies on different locations to kill the former apprentices of your master and fix his mistakes of the past.
You will die a lot, but as any apprentice learn their way through the kata with mistakes, you will learn your way through every enemy on your path.
You will try different weapons until you find what better suits your fighting style.
Your fighting skills will grow, but true mastery is in your head in knowing your enemies and nuances of fight.
The core of the fight in Katana Kata is in combination of strikes, blocks, parry and dodge - pretty easy to learn, but with a lot of nuances to master, so even after a lot of deaths and repetition every fight can feel different.
- Платформа:
- PS4
- Випуск:
- 26.2.2021
- Жанри:
- Екшн
- Голос:
- англійська
- Мови відображення:
- Українська, англійська, китайська (спрощене письмо), російська
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