Far Cry New Dawn Small Currency Pack

Ubisoft Entertainment
Average rating 5 stars out of five stars from 1 ratings
Blood, Intense Violence, Mild Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
Digital Purchases, Users Interact
  • PS Plus required for online play
  • Supports up to 2 online players with PS Plus
Blood, Intense Violence, Mild Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
Digital Purchases, Users Interact


Global player ratings

Average rating 1 star out of five stars from 1 ratings
1 rating

The Far Cry New Dawn Small Currency Pack contains 500 credits – a currency used to purchase extra items, outfits, consumables, and other new Far Cry® New Dawn content.

Far Cry Credits are available in packs from Small (500) to XXL (7,250), and all packs Medium and higher include bonus credits.

Software subject to license (us.playstation.com/softwarelicense). Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy (playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service & playstationnetwork.com/privacy-policy). One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

© 2019 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Far Cry, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Based on Crytek's original Far Cry directed by Cevat Yerli. Powered by Crytek's technology 'CryEngine'.

Ubisoft Entertainment