Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Supremacy

Average rating 4.53 stars out of five stars from 5.5K ratings
Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Game Experience May Change During Online Play, Intense Violence, Strong Language
  • PS Plus required for online play
  • Supports up to 18 online players with PS Plus
  • Online play optional
Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Game Experience May Change During Online Play, Intense Violence, Strong Language


Global player ratings

Average rating 4.53 stars out of five stars from 5526 ratings
5526 ratings

Battle your way to Supremacy, the third downloadable content pack for Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare:

- Four iconic locations take the fierce MP competition around the world from the Atlas training grounds to Russia, England and Greece.
- The Exo Grapple Playlist returns with its strategic movement capability and deadly grapple secondary weapon.
- Part Three of the Exo Zombies saga: Carrier introduces a new celebrity playable character, devastating advanced weaponry, Atlas strike teams, Sentinel support squads and a host of new zombie enemies.

Use of PSN and SEN account are subject to the Terms of Service and User Agreement and applicable privacy policy (see terms at & *Online multiplayer also requires a PlayStation®Plus subscription.

1080p HD Video Output
Online Play (Optional)

Software subject to license ( Online activity subject to Terms of Services and User Agreement ( One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

©2014 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, and CALL OF DUTY: ADVANCED WARFARE are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.
