Fantasy Violence


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      Discover the secret styles of all your favorite slimes!

      “Secret styles” are a brand new type of 7Zee tech which allows you to give your slimes a fresh, new look! Search for special treasure pods throughout the Far, Far Range and discover each slime’s unique secret style.

      Once you discover a slime’s secret style hidden in secret locations throughout the world, you will be able to re-style every slime of that type whenever you choose!

      Secret styles in this DLC include:

      • Sparkly (Pink Slime)
      • Heavy Metal (Rock Slime)
      • Tiger (Tabby Slime)
      • Angelic (Phosphor Slime)
      • Radiant (Rad Slime)
      • Arcane (Boom Slime)
      • Royal Jelly (Honey Slime)
      • Lilypad (Puddle Slime)
      • Ruby Red (Crystal Slime)
      • Cheshire (Hunter Slime)
      • Monochrome (Quantum Slime)
      • Shattered (Mosaic Slime)
      • Nebula (Dervish Slime)
      • Nightshade (Tangle Slime)
      • Devilish (Fire Slime)
      • Pre-Jellasic (Saber Slime)
      • Boomerang (Quicksilver Slime)
      • Retro (Glitch Slime)
      • Gilded (Gold Slime)
      • Guardian (Lucky Slime)

      1 player

      Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

      Slime Rancher is developed by Monomi Park. Copyright © 2014-2019 Monomi Park, LLC

      Monomi Park, LLC