Blood, Strong Language, Violence
  • 1 player
Blood, Strong Language, Violence


Global player ratings

Average rating 4.75 stars out of five stars from 891 ratings
891 ratings

Save money on content for this game by purchasing the Season Pass. Content can be downloaded from the PlayStation®Store or in-game once it is released.

Purchase now and receive an Exclusive side mission - 'Isolation' and Expansion 1 'The Foundation'

At a later date you will receive Expansion 2 'AWE'. Each Expansion includes new story content and side missions as well as new weapons and mods from the World of Control.

Expansion 1 'The Foundation'
Explore the roots of the Oldest House and discover strange secrets unknown even to the Bureau.

Expansion 2 'AWE'
The Bureau studied its most dangerous Altered World Events in this lost sector. The records were sealed, the objects contained, and their powers abandoned. Now, the sector is breached and the objects are loose…

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One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.