The Surge 2 - URBN Gear Pack

Focus Entertainment
Average rating 4.45 stars out of five stars from 143 ratings
Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language
Users Interact
  • Online play optional
Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language
Users Interact


Global player ratings

Average rating 4.45 stars out of five stars from 143 ratings
143 ratings

Customize your The Surge 2 experience even further with the URBN Gear Pack!
This pack includes :
- Warren’s most iconic weapon from The Surge: the well-used Cutter
- The full-body URBN armor set
- The URBN Judgement Axe
- The URBN Skimmer Drone
- The Lootscan.exe Radar Module
- A unique online message icon.

Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service (, privacy policy (, and the game publisher’s privacy policy.

1 player
Online Play (Optional)

Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

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Focus Entertainment