Monkey King: Hero is back - Mind Palace

THQ Nordic
Average rating 4.68 stars out of five stars from 25 ratings
Fantasy Violence, Mild Language
  • 1 player
  • PS4 Version
    DUALSHOCK 4 vibration
Fantasy Violence, Mild Language


Global player ratings

Average rating 4.68 stars out of five stars from 25 ratings
25 ratings

The Great Sage held a secret while he was sealed inside the crystal for all those centuries... namely, the fact that he was actually training diligently! Despite being cast away in a crystal deep inside the elemental mountains by none other than the Buddha himself, the Great Sage never gave up! Experience this training for yourself as it unfolds in a series of missions across action-packed stages that are filled with gimmicks and traps different from those found in the main game.

THQ Nordic
Action, Adventure, Action
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