• 1 player
Fantasy Violence, Language
  • 1 player


Global player ratings

Average rating 4.14 stars out of five stars from 36 ratings
36 ratings

Begin a humorous escapade through various areas of the phone and solve clever puzzles. Meet colorful apps that inhabit the smartphone and have their own opinions about their boss, the update, and the godlike user.

Clever physics-based puzzles
👁️‍🗨️ Review terminal errors in RAM, party in the Speakers’ exclusive nightclub, navigate through the Wi-Fi bureaucracy, and explore other areas of a smartphone.

Cheat-codes to manipulate the environment
👁️‍🗨️ Hunt down or create bugs, trim binary trees, master music-controlled platforms, collect errors, and delete data using special cheat-codes.

A variety of app-characters
👁️‍🗨️ Gossip with quirky pieces of software—the sassy Photos, the insecure Social Media F, or the neglected Health, among others—and uncover their distinct side stories.

Numerous collectibles
👁️‍🗨️ Collect emails scattered about to discover a parallel story of the mysterious phone User.

Unproductive and useless humor
👁️‍🗨️ Enjoy meta satirical humor and breaking the fourth wall.

PS4, PS5
All in! Games S.A.
Adventure, Casual
Screen Languages:
Chinese (Simplified), English, French (France), German, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish
To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See PlayStation.com/bc for more details.

Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy (playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service & playstationnetwork.com/privacy-policy).

Software subject to license (us.playstation.com/softwarelicense).

You can download and play this content on the main PS5 console associated with your account (through the “Console Sharing and Offline Play” setting) and on any other PS5 consoles when you login with your same account.